Tributaries: A stream or river that flows into a main or parent river. It does not directly flow into a large body of water like an ocean or lake, but instead connects up to a river that does.
Distributaries: A stream or river that branches off of the main or parent river. It then can lead to a larger body of water, or in some cases it might steal so much water from the parent river that it becomes the main.
Yazoo Streams: A stream that runs parallel to a river, and eventually joins up to it.
Confluence: The meeting of two or more bodies of water. It usually refers to the tributary of two rivers or streams meeting up but sometimes it can be two channels, or a channel and a lake.
Estuary: A partly enclosed coastal body of water with one or more rivers flowing into it and an open connection to the sea. It is prone to both ocean and river influences.
Braided Stream: A stream with many small shallow channels that divide and recombine many times creating a braided pattern. They form when a sediment load is too heavy and it has to be deposited along the channel.
Groundwater: Water that is located beneath the surface of the Earth in pores in the soil.