Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Human/ Environment Interaction

1) - One of the environmental changes Saltspringers have made to the island is draining and filling Swansons pond in order to have more room for residential areas.
- Another one of the changes we have made is adding the aerators in Saint Mary Lake in order to keep the fungi growth to a minimum.
- On one of the roads leading to Fulford Harbour there was a potential land slide cliff, however with some blasting, grass and tree growing the hill is now being contained.
- A lot of foresting being done on the mountains in order to build more houses.
- Paving gravel roads, creating ferry terminals, and adding docks and harbors in order to make transportation more easy.

2) One of the environmental hazards is the potential earthquake along the juan de fuca plate line. Another environmental hazard is forest fires because it always gets very dry here in the summer time and it is very hard to get people over to put them out.

3) Though the problem is very slowly occurring I think that the environmental issue that most threatens Saltspring is the rising sea levels. Seeing as we are very close to the sea level as the ocean rises the island would be completely engulfed in water.

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