Thursday, April 1, 2010

Erosion Processes and Sediment Transport

Headward Erosion: A process of erosion that lengthens a stream, a valley, or a gully at the head and enlarges it drainage basin.

Vertical Erosion:
Erosion that is aiming to get to the base level and not to flow forward.

Lateral Erosion: Erosion that aims to widen the valley.

Sediment (gravel, sand, silt, clay) deposited by running water.

Undercut Banks/ Slip-Off Slopes:
A bank that has had its base cut away either by water or human construction. It means that it has quite a heavy over hang that is very weak and often breaks away.

Traction/Saltation: The friction between a something and the surface it moves on. The leaping of sand or soil particles as they are transported in a fluid over an uneven surface.

Abrasion/Corrasion: Erosion through friction. Wearing away similar to that of sanding something.

Attrition: As rocks are being moved by water they bump and grind into each other causing them to break into smaller particles.

Levees: Sediment that is formed in mounds along a stream's banks.

The disintegration of an engineered material back into its original state due to chemical reactions in its surroundings.

Hydraulic Action:
The force exerted by water. It works along the banks of streams attacking and undermining layers of rocks and soil.

Alluvial Fan:
A fan shaped deposit that occurs when a stream slows down, flattens, and spreads usually at the end of a canyon onto a flatter area.

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